Pregnancy Wellness Day Retreat
Some of our finest pregnancy & birth wellness practitioners are coming together to bring you this pregnancy day retreat designed to nurture, inspire & empower .
Sunday 7 August | 9am – 3pm
Well Women’s Centre, 2B Leake Street South Hedland
Cost: $50 per person – Bringing a support person is encouraged and welcomed (if bringing a partner, please book 2 spaces).
Please note that childcare is not available for this retreat. Morning tea and lunch included.
Bookings below essential.
Pregnancy Wellness Day Retreat – Flow of the day
9:00 – Pregnancy Yoga flow to start the retreat & set the comforting calm vibe for the day with Janelle from Chase the Sun Yoga
9.45 ‘Moving for an easier birth’ – hands on workshop with Sam (robozo techniques & birth positioning)
10:15 – Morning Tea
10.30 – Bring your herbal tea & raw slice into the Mumma circle to discuss expectations around breastfeeding – led by Ann
10:50 – Grab a journal to jot down some tips on: Nourishing yourself properly during pregnancy to thrive and prevent pregnancy related
conditions developing & nutrition for labour support – with Lauren
11:15 – Essential oils hands on workshop – prepare a birth support oil to take home with you and use during your labour – led by Sam.
11:45 – Sitting back in the Mumma circle to have an open discussion around expectations & communication in postpartum as a new family – led by Jess.
12:10 – Moving into discussing how to best nourish yourself to support gut healing & prevent depletion heading into postpartum – led by Nikki
12:30 – Lunch
1:15 – Massage & pressure points for pain relief to support labour/birth – led by Sam (hands on, partner up to demonstrate)
1:45 – Pelvic floor practical workshop, going through a series of exercises to support pelvic floor in pregnancy & postpartum – led by Ann
2:15 – Mindful meditation to finish & leave in a clear and positive headspace
2:40 – Finish up, final chats, final questions.
3:00 – Head home with a birth support oil and a journal filled with some invaluable pregnancy, birth & postpartum tips